Former City Manager Admires Shen Yun’s Rich Chinese Culture

Apr 22, 2017
Former City Manager Admires Shen Yun’s Rich Chinese Culture

“The show was very beautiful and well-choreographed. I thought that the people on the stage were fantastic.”

“Seeing the passion that they showed in the show was very emotional for me. I really enjoyed it.”


“What I learned from it is that the Chinese culture is something that’s very rich ... that it has a very deep culture, very strong, and it’s developed over time, and it’s just very beautiful. It’s not what everybody thinks it is today. It’s a very, very beautiful culture, one that I’d like to see more of.”


“That’s what’s important, that the Chinese people have a very deep respect for ... the world, for other people, for tradition, which I think is very important. And that was very evident tonight—to play up to that and to let everybody in the audience see that this is what is important to the Chinese people, and that’s what they want to share with the world.

“I think that we need more of that in this world. Everybody has to learn to share with everybody and understand each other’s culture because that’s the only way that the world is ever going to continue living. We have to understand and respect each other.”


“When it comes back again, I will see it again. It gave me a better appreciation of the Chinese culture.”

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