Former Ballerina Describes Shen Yun as Refreshing and Amazing

Former Ballerina Describes Shen Yun as Refreshing and Amazing
Danielle Ciaramitaro and her companion enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Detroit Opera House in Detroit, Mich. on Feb. 17, 2018. "My boyfriend was generous enough to bring me here tonight as a Valentine’s Day surprise," said Danielle. Valerie Avore/The Epoch Times

“I’ve never been to a show with this amount of cultural input with the performance. I was classically trained as a young woman in ballet but it was really refreshing to see something that also integrated culture with the form of dance. I really enjoyed the show tonight.”

“This is very refreshing and it totally reminds me of why I was so passionate about dance from a young age. I think it connects people in a way that you wouldn’t be connected if you weren’t involved in the arts.”

“Their technique and discipline you can tell is amazing! As someone who’s been raised as a ballerina, their technique is very good. You can tell their discipline is there, and that they’ve practiced and they take things seriously.”

“I really liked, about this performance, [is] that they had somebody who was speaking in Chinese and in English. It definitely brings a cultural piece to [this] performance.”

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