Executive Director: Shen Yun Inspires People Toward Greatness

Apr 22, 2017
Executive Director: Shen Yun Inspires People Toward Greatness

“The dancing, they made everything look effortless. Their facial expressions while they move, they were very graceful, very passionate. They had comedy involved in the performance, when they had the scene with the monk (”Super Monk"), my children loved that, they just laughed and laughed and laughed. 

“I loved the colors, all the beautiful bright colors, expressive of the divinity of the dance — God’s nature of beauty. So I loved the piece of it.”

“And I loved the power in the man’s voice (tenor), and then the beauty in the woman’s voice (soprano). It was really a wonderful, wonderful performance. I’ve wanted to see it for quite some time, so I actually had bought the tickets for Christmas for my wife and I found out that she was with child so she’s been sick for the last weeks, so instead I brought my mother and her mother with two of our children.”


“I wanted them (his children) to get a taste of the culture. So I think that in order to understand the people, we have to understand their religious beliefs, you have to understand their writings, and you have to understand their music. So this kind of captured all of that, so they could get a understanding of who the people are.”

“I saw things that paralleled my own faith. So, [the pieces] about God being with them, all the people; about there being a path open to heaven, returning at the end, and that God will restore and bring a new earth.”

“Whenever you see someone who falls in love with their art, it’s going to have a positive effect on other people. When they share the work and the effort that they put into becoming great — because all the dancers are truly great — it can inspire us to go after greatness and whatever it is that we are attempting to master.”


“[The Erhu solo] was beautiful, very passionate. It sounded like it had a million strings [rather than only two]. It was such a beautiful and passionate piece that they played. 

“It’s a great slice of Chinese culture. One that we don’t get to see in modern day. We hear of China after communism. We don’t hear [of] China before communism, so the dress, the music, the beauty of the people, all the performers, the men, the women, they were all gorgeous. It was just a wonderful and beautiful thing for us to experience, and I would encourage all people to come and see it.” 

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