‘Everything Was Just Perfect,’ Says Radio Show Host

‘Everything Was Just Perfect,’ Says Radio Show Host
Radio show host Anita Kapandeli enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, Canada, on the afternoon of Jan. 23, 2018. Shen Yun was “absolutely spectacular,” she said. Dongyu Teng/The Epoch Times

“Absolutely spectacular. I love the colors, I love the performance, I love the unity between all the dancers, and I have to tell you one thing: I will leave this place happy because of the colors. It was worth driving all the way here, and I would love to bring my children next time. I would recommend it for sure.”

“[Shen Yun] brought me back to human values, to nature. This is what I’ve been missing, nature, and I just love the scenery, the pictures [on the backdrop]. I felt that I was transported back in time.”

“It was a very beautiful setting. The whole thing, costumes, everything was just perfect.”

“[The live orchestral music] was fabulous. Very relaxing. I loved all the instruments, the variety of [Chinese and Western] instruments.”

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