‘Every Animation Designer Should Come Look’ at Shen Yun

Apr 01, 2017
‘Every Animation Designer Should Come Look’ at Shen Yun

“I do costumes, set and graphic design for performance art.”


“Honestly, I love [the show] … this is amazing, how people tell the story over the dance. I barely keep my body core and do one turn in the floorboard myself...How are you supposed to tell the whole story through the dance? And, look at all the performance and the costumes—it’s amazing.”


“Especially the backdrop … production into the animation, this is ‘Wow.’ I think every animation designer should come over and look at this. It’s so different. The timing and the precision where you mark every single thing, it’s just so … how do you do that? It’s just amazing.”


“Being born as a Vietnamese, we have a lot of influence by Chinese, so, we grow up with a lot of stories. And the whole memory to bring us back to our childhood … it’s amazing. The Monkey King, amazing, and also the fans [‘Yellow Blossoms’] ... I’m actually almost saying it out loud in the stadium, ‘How do they do this?’ Yes, it’s good.”

[The costumes are] just amazing … going according to the set, the colour scheme, and the negative space of the sky. And the movement … everything just stopped, except for the fountain—it’s just perfect. Perfect.”

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