Drama Teacher Felt a Lot of Heart and Soul in Shen Yun

Apr 12, 2017
Drama Teacher Felt a Lot of Heart and Soul in Shen Yun

“I loved the show. I loved the precision, the colors, the story, the narrations. Everything was great.”

“It was just such a nice blend, and it ran so smoothly, and it was quick, and I love the synchronization how everything was just so clean and sharp and elegant. It was beautiful.”

“I thought they told the stories very well. I thought all the feature dancers really told their stories really well, and then the ensemble just helps spread that story. I thought the feature dancers were very good actors.”

“The whole thing was classical, but I think that for me the biggest part was it was just a sharp picture. Every number was so precise. No one stood out. It was a painting on a canvas.”

“I thought it was very interesting, and all the numbers that were reflections of the communists, the civil disobedience were very powerful. Very very powerful.”

“I think anytime you can expand your horizons by looking at a culture through music or dance or art, it just helps you understand the culture better.”

“I was so entranced with the music, and being so close to the orchestra was really nice too. I just felt a lot of heart and soul and from the whole production, between the orchestra and the dancers and the singers ... it was really beautiful to watch their faces.”

“I would definitely recommend it.”

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