Doctor Enjoys Shen Yun for Sixth Time

Jan 16, 2017
Doctor Enjoys Shen Yun for Sixth Time

“In fact this is my sixth time coming will speak for itself. [Shen Yun] still continues [to add] a lot of new scenes that I’ve never seen before.”
“Well, it is so graceful, and so beautiful, and so much energy, acrobatics which come from Chinese dancing in the first place. And the magic, the backdrop screen that the people go to the sky and come back from the sky and all the beautiful colors and the costumes so creative and combine and melt together.

“Always amazes me that lots of those dancers do lots of different scenes, so they have to learn a million different steps and hand movements and body movements.”
“My understanding of the lyrics is that the things we do here on Earth are transient and power and money is transient and what we do with our lives matters today and we should hope to meet again in a right way”
“I encourage everybody to come. I’ve brought my daughters, my son, my three granddaughters, [and] my wife.”

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