Theatergoers Impressed with ‘Just the Sheer Talent’ of Shen Yun

Theatergoers Impressed with ‘Just the Sheer Talent’ of Shen Yun
Mike and Linda Gudenau enjoy Shen Yun performing Arts at the Detroit Opera House, on Feb. 9. Valerie Avore/Epoch Times

DETROIT—At the intermission of Shen Yun Performing Arts World Company performance, Mike and Linda Gudenau said they were enjoying the classical Chinese dance and stories being presented.

“I am enjoying [the classical Chinese dance],” said Mr. Gudenau, a retired automotive designer for Ford Motor Company.

Shen Yun is the known for its classical Chinese dance with its spins, flips, and and its gentle elegance. It is one of the most rigorous and expressive art forms in the world, according to the company’s website.

“It’s very enjoyable,” said Mrs. Gudenau, who is retired from banking. “The stories are very entertaining.”

The mission of Shen Yun is to revitalize 5,000 years of ancient civilization, a culture divinely inspired and deeply spiritual. It is a culture almost completely lost due to 60 plus years of the Communist regime. Yet based in America, Shen Yun can openly display this culture through the performing arts.

Each performance is comprised of some 20 short story-based dances and vocal soloists, all accompanied by the Shen Yun Performing Arts Orchestra.

“I loved the stories,” said Mrs. Gudenau said. “The first drum solo, it was very interesting, enjoyed that.”

Mrs. Gudenau was impressed with “just the shear talent, the beauty, the colors, the story telling. I mean really, it is everything.”

Mr. Gudenau said he “liked the way they have integrated the [backdrop] screen with the background, that’s kind of interesting to me.”

It is interesting, as the Shen Yun engineers have perfected this technology of using animation and digital projection for a backdrop that interacts with the performers.

“It was well done the way it’s integrated with the performance on stage,” he said.

The Gudenau’s were surprised to learn that the spiritual practice, Falun Gong, had been persecuted for more than 10 years in China, and confused as to why it should be treated so.

“Because [meditation] is so peaceful, I can’t imagine anyone finding fault with that,” said Mrs. Gudenau.

Reporting by Valerie Avore and Cat Rooney

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.