Dentist: ‘They have fused so beautifully the past with the present’

Dentist: ‘They have fused so beautifully the past with the present’
Dr. Vageesh Sabharwal enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto on Jan. 3, 2018. Madalina Hubert/The Epoch Times

“It’s a lovely show. It’s giving me an opportunity to get a glimpse into the [Chinese] culture. It’s just fascinating—the dance moves, the martial arts moves, and the fluidity with which the characters are performing.”

“What strikes me in particular is that they have fused so beautifully the past with the present, and they could so fluidly go forwards and backwards without having any hitch or any speed bumps in the way. I find that fascinating.”

“I have an East Indian background, and it just shows how much emphasis is given to the arts in Asia, in particular dance and music. I’m having a fabulous time.”

“The values that came up in the show that resonated with mine were an emphasis on culture, an emphasis on arts, an emphasis on historical background; that surely struck me.”

“It is [spiritual], and that touches a chord with me, because so is the Indian culture, and I see a lot of similarities in the two cultures. In fact, the second to last dance [before the intermission] had this message of a couple who got together, and a person got persecuted because of their spirituality. So that really struck a chord with me.  It bothered me that it’s still an issue in China right now, but it was quite interesting to see that.”

“It'll take a concerted human effort. One person, one government, one nation cannot do anything. We’re going to need mankind to come together, to lift us out of these certain regions of oppression. That’s what I believe we’re going to need.

“The show helps with passing the message. In Canada, we live in a wonderful society where we are free to practice our faiths, practice our cultures, speak our dialects, without harming anyone, of course. But it brings to light, this show, that there are certain barriers in this world. As rich and diverse as the cultures are, that these are still issues that we must be cognizant of.”

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