Defense Department Trainer: Shen Yun Is Moving, Brings Hope

Defense Department Trainer: Shen Yun Is Moving, Brings Hope
Daniel Harvey, training specialist at the U.S. Department of Defense, enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at The Fred Kavli Theatre in Thousand Oaks, Calif., on April 11, 2018. Thanh Le/Epoch Times

“It’s an impressive show. I really liked it. The dancing, the movements were just so smooth.”

“There are a couple of dance stories in there, they moved me—the heartbreak [piece called ‘Devotion’], and the redemption [piece] at the end ['The Divine Renaissance Begins’].”

“There were a couple of times I had tears in my eyes. I got a little emotional.”

“It’s too bad that the spirituality in the present days in China [is] being held down. Seeing this made me really think about what people would like to have.”

“[I felt] the hope and the blessings of people, and the future—what could come.”

“I'll tell [everyone] to go watch it. ... It’s very moving. It’s very emotional. ... It makes you feel good.”

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