Chinese Culture Is ‘Spiritual and Ancient,’ Says Artist

Chinese Culture Is ‘Spiritual and Ancient,’ Says Artist

“It’s absolutely exquisite. It’s breathtaking the way they have the choreography, the dance, but the stories that are told by the expressions are beyond anything that I have ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of theaters.” 

“I get feelings and inspirations from it (classical Chinese dance).”

“[I felt] very transported, almost, into another space — very spiritual.”

“I felt that the stories they were telling were such an important part of the culture, and the culture is so spiritual and ancient. I think they were trying to express what’s happening right now in China. I think knowledge of another culture is very helpful.” 

“I love the fact there are children here. I think it’s so wonderful to see the children dress up so beautifully to have the opportunity to enjoy the performance. This is very lovely that the parents take them.” 

“We immediately got tickets as soon as we found out about it (Shen Yun.) But then it was immediately sold out. It’s unfortunate there are not more available and more performances. I would highly recommend [it] to anyone to go.”

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