Chief Director Says Shen Yun ‘Touched Many Senses’

Chief Director Says Shen Yun ‘Touched Many Senses’

“It was really wonderful. It was spectacular. We really enjoyed it. It was really beautiful, and it was wonderful to see something and hear so many different [instruments]. It was a great taste of culture. We heard the music, then we saw the dancing, it was just great.”
“What was amazing is all the color, the sounds, and the dancing—that was what was so alive. … the dancing was impeccable. The quality was impeccable.”
“The essence of the show ... I think it touched many senses. Because it’s touching your visual senses with the dance, and it’s catching your hearing with the music, and it’s touching even with the colors, and with the dance forms. It’s speaking to all your senses. And even with the scenes of the flowers [”Yellow Blossoms“] and so forth, you’re carried to another point where you’re imagining different things and that was exciting.”
“The children need to see this because it’s so important that they see other cultures. Today this experience for us was really eye-opening hearing about Chinese culture. And that was wonderful.”
“The combined experience, the combination of the dance with the music and the technology. The whole performance itself was something that was very eye-opening, but I think most of all the culture. … This show is about learning, you get exposed to something I'd never seen before. And now I have a real appreciation.”

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