CEO Praises Shen Yun Dancers: ‘They’re flawless’

CEO Praises Shen Yun Dancers: ‘They’re flawless’
Tracy Fisher (L) and Renata Plecity enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Centre In The Square in Kitchener, Canada, on Jan. 27, 2018. “I think the production was amazing. The costumes were just beyond beautiful, and even the production on the stage, with using the screen and the technology behind it was really good. Excellent job,” said Ms. Plecity. Dongyu Teng/The Epoch Times

“The performance was seamless. The Chinese art form of the dancing was pretty educational and nice to see. It was seamless and flawless, so it was a beautiful performance. It was awesome. It was great.”

“[What I most appreciated was] probably the costuming and just the overall dance style. The whole performance was really different and unique and pretty and beautiful, and the technique was so flawless. It was beautiful. We just don’t see that very much in North American performances.”

“The orchestra was amazing, and the individual performances with the sopranos and then the lady [who played] the erhu—that seemed pretty amazing because it was perfect. But I’m sure it’s a very, very difficult instrument to play and one that we never ever see here. That was really awesome. That was really beautiful.”

“I used to dance growing up, so I always did ballet, jazz dance. I was an arts student so I appreciate the performance side of it, and just the technique and the perfection and the timing. Everything was just synchronous with no flaws, which was really amazing.”

“I like the [emcees], and I like the Chinese and the English. It was a nice way to explain the different stories. You know what they’re telling in the story. It feels well thought out. It was really amazing.”

“The [dancers’] technique—they’re flawless. It looks like it’s just easy, like they fly through the air. Their footwork is perfect, their timing is perfect, their synchronicity is perfect. … It’s very, very beautiful to watch.”

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