Taking Toto Out of Kansas

Taking Toto Out of Kansas
(CSA-Printstock/Getty Images)
Bill Lindsey
Exploring familiar places and seeing new sights is always more fun with friends and even more so when your travel plans include your pets.

Tag Them

Make sure your pet has a properly fitting collar complete with any required inoculation tags and an ID tag that has your phone number on it just in case your pet gets loose or otherwise separated from you. Many pet owners also have their dogs and cats “chipped” with scannable microchips. Take a moment now to review the ID tag and chip’s contact information to make sure it’s correct.

Not Everyone Is a Pet Person

Owners find it hard to believe that not everyone will immediately fall in love with their beloved pet, but it happens. For that reason, don’t allow your pet to approach anyone it sees, and be aware if you see signs of fear or concern from those around you. Even those who like animals but are dressed for the office or wearing nice clothes might not want pets too close.

More Toys, Please

Bring along a few of your pet’s favorite toys, such as balls and tug toys. These will help keep them occupied while traveling and provide a sense of familiarity upon your arrival. If your pets are to be left alone at any point, give them one of your recently worn T-shirts; this will help keep them calm until your return. However, under no circumstances should you leave pets alone in a parked car!

Be Prepared

Whether you’re staying with friends, family, or at a pet-friendly hotel (confirm this in advance of arrival), bring pee pads, snacks, food, and water, as well as food and water bowls. Bring any medication that your pet requires, and have photos of recent inoculation records and any pertinent medical records on your phone. This way, you’ll be prepared in the unlikely case that medical assistance is needed.

Make It Fun and Safe

If you’re traveling by car or will be driving upon arrival, get them used to going for rides in the weeks before your departure. Make it fun by letting them sit in your lap and—safely—stick their head out the window or by bringing a favorite blanket. Pack a pet first aid kit, too, just in case, with tweezers to remove burs, ointments for scrapes, gauze to wrap wounds, and a first-aid guide.
Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.
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