Bank Manager Is Delighted by Shen Yun’s Dance Stories

Bank Manager Is Delighted by Shen Yun’s Dance Stories
Shen Yun Performing Arts' curtain call at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, N.J., on May 3, 2018. Larry Dye/The Epoch Times

“We love it. It was very different from anything I have seen. It was so athletic and beautiful—the color and the music and the stories. It was wonderful.”

“I was mostly interested and intrigued, and I love the culture and the history.”

“I love the color. I love all the colors. They were wonderful actors and actresses, too. It was delightful.”

“[The dancers] are amazing. ... Very high skills and such grace. ... I don’t know how they are all so talented and beautiful and athletic. It was really great.”

“We love the fantasy in the screen [digital backdrop] and the way [the action] would go into the screen and out of the screen.”

“She [the erhu solosist] was amazing.”

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