Ballroom Dance Teacher Finds Shen Yun Performers Synchronisation Wonderful

Jan 20, 2018
Ballroom Dance Teacher Finds Shen Yun Performers Synchronisation Wonderful
John and Rhonda Skuja amazed at a matinee performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the The Arts Centre Gold Coast, on Jan. 20, 2018. Mrs. Skuja said, “It's just beautiful, the costumes are superb, both the males and the females. Dresses just beautiful, the dancing's just absolutely amazing. Their timing is perfect. … the whole performance is absolutely mind-blowing. The visual effects are absolutely brilliant, they look as though it really is happening as though they're really coming down and falling in the water. It's just perfect, absolutely!” (NTD Television)

“I think it’s a wonderful performance with a lot of heartfelt culture involved in it. It’s a shame that they restrict the dancing in China and they’re a wonderful thing for the people to see.”

“Their technique is wonderful. Just the coordination together in such a large group to be in synchronization is just wonderful to see.”

“It was a great introduction to cultural Chinese dance or traditional Chinese dance.”

“I think really, the introduction of modern film techniques [state-of-the-art digital backdrop] to it is a wonderful idea and great synchronization, again, in the way the performances go into the air and come back into the stage. Just marvellous timing and everything in the whole show.”

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