Sheramy Tsai
Sheramy Tsai
Sheramy Tsai, BSN, RN, is a seasoned nurse with a decade-long writing career. An alum of Middlebury College and Johns Hopkins, Tsai combines her writing and nursing expertise to deliver impactful content. Living in Vermont, she balances her professional life with sustainable living and raising three children.


Study Challenges ‘Bad Cholesterol’ Label for LDL

Study Challenges ‘Bad Cholesterol’ Label for LDL

Muscle: The Unexpected Feats of Your Body’s Largest Organ

Muscle: The Unexpected Feats of Your Body’s Largest Organ

New Hormone Discovery Offers Hope for Osteoporosis Treatment

New Hormone Discovery Offers Hope for Osteoporosis Treatment

Harvard Study Reveals Antidepressants’ Weight Gain Rankings

Harvard Study Reveals Antidepressants’ Weight Gain Rankings

Large Study Links Daily Multivitamin Use to Increased Mortality Risk 

Large Study Links Daily Multivitamin Use to Increased Mortality Risk 

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Increased Estrogen Receptors in Menopausal Brains

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Increased Estrogen Receptors in Menopausal Brains