Jennifer Sweenie
Jennifer Sweenie
Jennifer Sweenie is a New York-based health reporter. She is a nutritional therapy practitioner and trained health-supportive chef focused on functional nutrition and the power of natural, whole foods. Jennifer serves on the board of directors for Slow Food NYC and is a former board member of the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation.


Ultra-Processed Foods Are Harming Children: What’s Being Done About It?

Ultra-Processed Foods Are Harming Children: What’s Being Done About It?

5:2 Intermittent Fasting Promising for Brain Health in Older Adults–Study

5:2 Intermittent Fasting Promising for Brain Health in Older Adults–Study

How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

Lack of Anemia Screening Leaves Older Patients More Vulnerable: Study

Lack of Anemia Screening Leaves Older Patients More Vulnerable: Study

How a Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Influences Her Blood Sugar Levels

How a Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Influences Her Blood Sugar Levels

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk

New Study Reveals How a Father’s Diet Can Affect the Health of His Future Children

New Study Reveals How a Father’s Diet Can Affect the Health of His Future Children

Eat Your Sun Protection

Eat Your Sun Protection

The Salt and Cortisol Connection

A Low Sodium Diet May Be Stressing You Out