Arts Educator Praises Shen Yun

Jan 23, 2017
Arts Educator Praises Shen Yun

“I think it’s wonderful, the performance was amazing. ... I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything, the visuals, the animation, the story. I was just sitting there thinking about how we’ve lost mythology and the story and the spiritual, so it’s just excellent.”


“The spiritual and the fact that the arts are spirit, ... everyone who came in, who went in to the auditorium as they came out—they had been touched and they’re ready to go on. It was just spiritual!”


“The dancing is amazing. I was thinking because I’m an African American, my family’s been in this country 7 generations at least. I was just looking at the discipline and the way that the dancers are beyond dancing—dancing is spiritual. The technique, the discipline of the dancers, and the effortlessness of it, I mean was, my body was just kind of responding to some of the movements, and it’s just amazing!”

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