Artist Says Shen Yun Is ‘Heavenly Inspired’

Artist Says Shen Yun Is ‘Heavenly Inspired’
Edison Rumbos and Pamela Zabala at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Au-Rene Theatre in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Dec. 29, 2021. Teng Dongyu/The Epoch Times
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.—For artist Pamela Zabala, watching Shen Yun Performing Arts was a “heavenly” experience.

“I do feel like this is a privilege, and I think everybody should experience the healing power of art,” said Ms. Zabala, a painter, who watched the performance with Edison Rumbos, a multimedia producer, at the Au-Rene Theatre in Fort Lauderdale on Dec. 29.

The healing sensation was something that Mr. Rumbos experienced as well as he listened to the performance of one of Shen Yun’s vocalists singing Chinese lyrics using the bel canto style.

“What we hear through his voice, [it’s] very healing,” Mr. Rumbos said. “It went directly to my soul.”

If I could say in a word, I would say that this is heavenly inspired.
Pamela Zabala

Ms. Zabala and Mr. Rumbos both said they were left speechless after watching the performance.

“If I could say in a word, I would say that this is heavenly inspired,” said Ms. Zabala of Shen Yun. “It’s celestial. ... [It has a] note of holiness and sacredness.”

Shen Yun, based in New York, is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, and aims to revive China’s traditional culture.
The company features authentic classical, folk, and ethnic Chinese dances, accompanied by a live orchestra, as well as musical soloists and vocalists.

‘It’s Just Amazing’

Ms. Zabala said she particularly enjoyed the dance “Insanity During the End of Days,” which shows spiritual people in modern-day China being arrested and tortured for their beliefs.

“I liked the ... intense content. [It] was shocking and full of emotion,” she said.

As a visual artist, Ms. Zabala praised Shen Yun’s use of digital backdrops to create beautiful scenery on the stage. Pointing to the patented technology which allows for the interaction of the scenes on the backdrops with the dancers on the stage, she said Shen Yun combines technology with tradition.

“I didn’t expect that. It’s beautiful. It’s really the detail, [the combination of color], the culture, and mix of modern and traditional,” she said.

Mr. Rumbos said it was hard for him to find the right words to express how he felt, as he was still processing the performance.

“I really enjoyed [Shen Yun].  The [Chinese] culture and this magnificent event … it’s just amazing,” he said.
“The combination [of] the scenography and the colors and the music—all those three elements—it got into my soul.”

‘Just Like a Light’

Ms. Zabala said she really enjoyed the spiritual aspect of Shen Yun.

“We are very spiritual, and we’ve been talking about this. So, coming to [see Shen Yun], it was just like a light,” she said.  “I’m inspired by the beauty and the subtleness of the message.”

The artist expressed regret that Shen Yun is banned in today’s China, which is under communist rule, and said she feels fortunate that she can see the performance in the United States where the company enjoys artistic freedom.
“I feel very special that we could enjoy [Shen Yun] here in America,” she said. “This is a privilege.”
Reporting by Teng Dongyu and Diane Cordemans.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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