‘10 out of 10,’ Producer Says

‘10 out of 10,’ Producer Says
Karen Schwartz, a producer and writer, her husband, and her mother Irene Silten, a retired chemist, enjoyed the Shen Yun evening performance at The Soraya (formerly Valley Performing Arts Center) in Northridge, Calif., on April 25, 2018. "It's really very, very nice. I really liked it. I enjoy it tremendously. They did a terrific job," Ms. Silten said. Jana Li/The Epoch Times

“Wonderful. It’s incredible. Very well-produced. The music is wonderful, the dancing is incredible, the production is amazing. [I] love how they utilize the video screen and the dancers. It’s beautiful.”

“[I rate this show] 10 out of 10. Very good.”

“The music is wonderful. Everything is beautiful in the way it’s produced. The association with the dance and all the different styles, it’s great.”

“I could definitely see the message that is being sent through the performance, and also the fact that I understand this performance can’t be performed in China too, because of communism.”

“[What impressed me the most] is just the cultural performance. The culture [is] wonderful too.”

“The dancing and the music, I love it.”

“I am enjoying it very much. It’s very good.”

“We can see the hard work, and they’re very, very talented.”

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