Yoga at Home With Baby

Yoga at Home With Baby

The fun of yoga with baby continues! Try these poses to build some strength and increase flexibility. As always, squeeze, giggle, and tickle your baby to make this practice amusing for all.

(Mathias Vestergaard)

Downward Dog. From the plank pose, shift your hips back to downward-facing dog. Baby can hang where he is and will continue to enjoy watching you. Let your heels sink toward the floor and your chest ease toward your thighs. Take lots of deep breaths. It’s fun for you both to shift back and forth between the plank pose and downward dog.

(Mathias Vestergaard)

Low Lunge. From downward dog, swing one leg up and on an exhalation, step it forward and wide of your baby. Breathe into your hips, either dropping the back knee down if you need to or keeping the leg elevated for a deeper stretch. Find another face to make for your baby!

(Mathias Vestergaard)

Parsvottanasana. From your low lunge, lengthen your front leg. You may need to hop your back foot in. Pour forward and let your legs open. It’s a good moment to tickle your baby’s tummy

Eco18 is a collective of creative-writing individuals from different backgrounds with a common goal—to live a healthier, more natural lifestyle. Their combined expertise, humor, and opinions explore green and sustainable in a practical, fun way.

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