Shen Yun Is Perfection, Says Former Paris Opera Dancer

Apr 24, 2017
Shen Yun Is Perfection, Says Former Paris Opera Dancer

“I came for the first time five years ago, and I found the performance remarkable. Since then, I’ve come every year except for last year because I was recuperating from an operation. ... I do not want to miss a Shen Yun performance.”

“I am very sensitive to perfection because I find that unfortunately, today’s dance and especially in modern dance, it is very relaxed, so when I see a ballet or a company that does a meticulous job, a really professional job to perfection, it feels wonderful.

“I really enjoy seeing [Shen Yun] because everything is perfect. All the dancers are wonderful. The girls are amazing. The costumes are splendid. Not a single detail is wrong. So for me, this is the pinnacle. I came because the Paris Opera still has high standards, and I have been accustomed to see perfection.

“I must admit that it was really a revelation when I saw [Shen Yun] for the first time. I said to myself, ‘Oh! I want to see it again because it is magnificent. It is splendid.’ I never get tired of seeing it, and I will come to see it again next year.”

“As for the quality of the company, I would rate it at the top. Oh yes, it is really perfection because everything is so perfectly orchestrated. Not a single small thing is out of synch. … It is perfection, so I am mesmerized.”

“I appreciate very much the fact that this is like an open page into a culture that I do not know much about. So I am delighted when I hear the young host telling us the stories behind each dance.”

“To see this performance is not only a delight for the eyes, but also learning so many things along the way is an incomparable added pleasure. … In addition we are taking home with us something precious.”

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