Man Grateful to Young Wife for Making Ultimate Sacrifice for Their Unborn 4th Child

Man Grateful to Young Wife for Making Ultimate Sacrifice for Their Unborn 4th Child
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

It’s the power of maternal instinct that allows some mothers to do anything to save their child in the face of danger. A young mother in Fresno, California, made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the successful delivery of her baby girl.

On Oct. 24, 2018, Charlene Flores—who was expecting her fourth child—was experiencing excruciating pain from her contractions, so much so that she couldn’t sleep.

Her husband, Elesandro Flores, brought her to Community Regional Medical Center, KFSN reported.

But Charlene’s condition worsened, and it was determined she was bleeding internally.

“She FaceTimes me and says, ‘I need you here right now,’” Elesandro said.

To save the baby, Charlene was informed she had to undergo an emergency C-section. It was a potentially high-risk procedure for the young woman, as she had long been suffering from heart issues.

Despite the fact that the procedure was life-threatening, Charlene gave the doctors the green light to go ahead in order to give her unborn baby daughter a chance to live.

“They ultimately told her, you have a 50/50 percent chance of living if you have this baby. So you want to go through with that? She said yes,” Elesandro told FOX26.

The Floreses’ fourth daughter, Quinn, was successfully delivered.

“So the doctors come back to me in the room saying your baby’s being worked on, your wife’s asleep,” Elesandro said.

Shortly after the premature labor, Elesandro heard “Code blue.” A lady was heard saying, “We need you, doctor.”

The doctor rushed back, and 20 minutes later, they passed on some tragic news to Elesandro—his wife couldn’t pull through and died due to heart failure.

“My wife has gone to a better place. … But will forever have my heart I thank you for Quinn and all the great memories we shared with our daughter’s, family’s & Friend’s [sic],” Elesandro wrote on Facebook.

“You helped me become a better man & father in life and for that you will be in my life for eternity till the day we meet again rest easy my love I’ll see you on the other side. I love you,” he continued.

Charlene was only 27 years old when she passed away.

She lived life “giving every ounce” she had for her family.

“I told my kids, you’re (an) extension of your mother,” Elesandro said.

“You guys are women, and you guys are going to be my life, you guys are going to take that role, you guys are going to take care of me, and I know you will, and they have,” he added.

Charlene’s sacrifice for her daughter has touched many hearts.

A donation drive on GoFundMe, initiated by her family, raised over $26,995 as of Nov. 18, 2018, exceeding their initial $20,000 goal.

The selfless mother will be dearly remembered as a hero to her family, friends, and especially young Quinn when she grows up.

“She sacrificed her life for my daughter and I am forever grateful for that,” Elesandro said.

According to FOX26, Elesandro works at Denny’s, where he’s a server, and at other jobs. He is known for his strong work ethic and doesn’t take the weekend off.

“Having that mind set of working for my family. She is still here with me. My kids are here and I am still doing that. I am doing my park [sic] as a husband and father,” he said.

Our hearts are with Elesandro and his family.

May they take comfort in knowing that Quinn is doing fine, and Charlene is now in a better place.

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