Insurance Company Owner: Shen Yun ‘Beautiful, Elegant’

“The best singers,” Mr. Williams said.
Insurance Company Owner: Shen Yun ‘Beautiful, Elegant’
CHICAGO—Owner of a Chicago insurance company, Richard Williams, enjoyed all aspects of the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company’s final performance held at the Civic Opera House on April 24.

“Very beautiful, elegant, beautiful singing. Top-notch singers,” he said of the classical Chinese dance and music show.

“The best singers,” Mr. Williams continued. “Excellent, excellent … all the singers, and the last one was tremendous.”

Among the company’s artists are members from renowned ensembles and music schools, and winners of international singing and dance competitions. According to the company website, they all share a vision, to revive the spirit of China’s true culture, destroyed under communist rule.

“Very nice, the whole program was good,” Richard said, who was seeing the presentation for the very first time.

He was impressed by the exquisite costumes, beautiful dancing and the emcees, “Very good announcers,” Mr. Williams said. “They had very clear voices, the persons who were announcing the program’s acts.”

‘They create visuals of what they are doing’

Also in the audience were Tom Hall, a physician, and his wife Sandra, a retired registered nurse.

Mr. Hall was “very impressed.”

“Obviously a lot of training has gone into it, I’ve been watching the dancer’s hands. Every one of them is the same way; their fingers are the same way. The other thing that impresses me is the colors,” he said.

Mrs. Hall agreed, adding how the dancers are “also able to interpret what they are doing very well, you understand them by their motions, they create visuals of what they are doing. Very, very good.”

Reporting by Sherry Dong and Raiatea Tahana-Reese.

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will continue with shows in Los Angeles at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium from April 28-30. For more information, visit 


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