Mainland Chinese: ‘I felt there are beings coming from the heaven to save us’

“I felt that the backdrop was realistic. It’s like in heaven. We don’t have anything like this in mainland China. I hope that DPA can perform in China.”
Mainland Chinese: ‘I felt there are beings coming from the heaven to save us’

 TAIPEI, Taiwan—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) performed the last show in Taipei on March 2. Like the previous five days, it attracted people from all fields. Jiang He (an alias), visiting his relatives in Taiwan from mainland China, learned of DPA’s show by chance. He watched the show for the second time and said, “The show was performed fabulously. ... I felt there are beings coming from the heaven to save us, to save people in the whole world.”

He thought that it is very good that DPA’s show helps Chinese culture be passed on.

Moreover, he was impressed deeply by the piece Monk Ji Gong Abducts the Bride. He said, “People didn’t believe what Ji Gong said. They could only believe it after the accident really happened.”

In Monk Ji Gong Abducts the Bride, a monk tries to warn a village of an impending disaster, but they do not believe him, and he uses usual tactics to save them from doom.

As to the program Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, Jiang said, “Although they [the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)] said that Falun Gong is not good, I think Falun Gong is very good after watching the program. I want to practice Falun Gong. I think Falun Gong has their own beliefs. They have their own ideals. Other people have no right to interfere with them.”

Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution talks about a group of people who are ruthlessly persecuted by the CCP because they believe in truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. Though being seriously persecuted, it cannot shake their firm belief in the truth of Buddhahood. In the program, the father, who is persecuted to death, is brought to heaven by gods and Buddhas. He earns an eternal life.

Of the Buddhas, Daoists, and gods enacted on stage, Jiang said, “I felt it seemed beings in heaven had come to save as, save all people in the world. I was very moved.

“I felt that the backdrop was realistic. It’s like in heaven. We don’t have anything like this in mainland China. I hope that DPA can perform in China.”

About the last program, Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope, Jiang said that he felt it’s like gods in legends and he never saw a scene like that in mainland China.

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