How the Human Body Is Affected by the Cosmic Environment

How the Human Body Is Affected by the Cosmic Environment
Best Designs/iStock
Tara MacIsaac

There’s a lot of talk in alternative healing circles about aligning the body’s energy with cosmic healing frequencies. Whether methods currently promoted to this end work, or whether such methods are scientifically sound, is beyond the scope of this article. But, a study presented by researchers in May at the Society for Scientific Exploration conference in Washington, D.C., does suggest that our bodies are attuned to frequencies in the cosmic environment.

York Dobyns, who received his doctorate in physics from Princeton University and worked at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Laboratory for 30 years, is a co-author of the study and he presented it at the conference. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., at the Institute of HeartMath was the lead author. He and his team found that environmental variables, such as cosmic rays, solar activity, and electromagnetic waves in the Earth’s atmosphere, may account for about 2–8 percent of heart rate variability.

The study involved 16 participants in Saudi Arabia. Their heart rate variability was tested from March 1 to Aug. 31, 2012. Data was simultaneously collected on 12 variables of the geomagnetic or cosmic environment. Factors, such as circadian influences, were accounted for when analyzing the data.

The majority of the 120 tests (74 of the tests) showed a p < 0.05 significance. This means it is less than 5 percent likely that the heart rate variability was due to chance rather than the influence of the cosmic environmental factors Dobyns was testing; in other words, it is more than 95 percent likely the cosmic environmental factors had an influence on their heart rate variability in these 74 tests. Furthermore, 26 percent of the tests showed a p < 0.001 significance; it is more than 99.9 percent likely in these tests that the cosmic environmental factors had an influence on heart rate variability in these tests.

It is more than 95 percent likely the cosmic environmental factors had an influence on their heart rate variability.

Schumann resonances and cosmic ray counts were among the factors shown to significantly influence heart rate, according to Dobyns.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website describes cosmic rays as, “energetic particles that are found in space and filter through our atmosphere. Cosmic rays have interested scientists for many different reasons. They come from all directions in space, and the origination of many of these cosmic rays is unknown.”

NASA’s website explains Schumann resonances: “There is a ‘cavity ’ defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers [34 miles] up. … The Schumann resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be ‘excited’ to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust, or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity.”

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