Divine Performing Arts Delights Sell-out London Audience

“It’s amazing the way they are so flexible! Beautiful costumes! Beautiful everything! Beautiful!”
Divine Performing Arts Delights Sell-out London Audience
Erica had come to see Divine Performing Arts with her parents, Maren and Veronica. (Caroline Yates/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/20090307_London_06_MrMrsSingraiCarolineBrossi.JPG" alt="Erica had come to see Divine Performing Arts with her parents, Maren and  Veronica. (Caroline Yates/The Epoch Times)" title="Erica had come to see Divine Performing Arts with her parents, Maren and  Veronica. (Caroline Yates/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829808"/></a>
Erica had come to see Divine Performing Arts with her parents, Maren and  Veronica. (Caroline Yates/The Epoch Times)

LONDON—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) delighted a sell-out crowd on Saturday afternoon in London.

As a matinee performance, there were more children in the audience, whose “ooohhs” and “ahhhs” could be heard across the theatre from time to time as the curtain rose on a new scenes or the dancers performed spectacular moves and tumbles.

Among the wide-eyed children in the New London Theatre was little Erica. She said she loved the costumes, particular the skirts of the dancers in Dance of the Yi—the “rainbow one”, as she put it.

Erica had come to see DPA with her parents, Maren and  Veronica.

“We like it so much! It’s amazing the way they are so flexible! Beautiful costumes! Beautiful everything! Beautiful!” said Veronica, who works as an economist.

Maren, who works in banking, said he liked everything about the performance. He particularly liked the themes of the performances: “They were very well thought of.”

Speaking during the intermission, he singled out the last dance of the first half—Dance of the Snow-Capped Mountain—as his favourite.

“The music is fantastic,” he said.

In addition to classical chinese dance, DPA also features solo singers and an erhu solo.

The performance from soprano Pi-Ju Huang drew whoops and and cheers from the excited audience.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun, Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org