Best Exercises for People in Their 60s, 70s and 80s

Best Exercises for People in Their 60s, 70s and 80s
After 60, most folks can’t perform regular exercises like lunges and squats. But this doesn’t mean you should stop exercising. There are many exercises you can do to stay fit and keep your bones strong. In fact, you can get in the best shape of your life after 60! If you don’t believe me, take a look at these inspiring men and women.
Here are at-home exercises that will improve your balance, build muscle and strengthen your bones.

Squats to Chair

Don’t worry if you can’t perform regular squats. With the assistance of a chair, you can still keep your lower body strong.
How to perform:

Stand in front of a chair (facing away from it) and assume a hip-width stance.

Stretch your hands out in front then lower your butt until it slightly rests on the chair. Try to keep your upper body as upright as possible.

Push through the heels to lift the butt off the chair and rise to starting position.

Stand a step away from the wall (facing it). Note that standing close to the wall makes the exercise easier—standing farther makes it more challenging.

Place your palms on the wall at chest-height and keep them shoulder-width apart.

Keep the body straight then lower your chest until it almost touches the wall. Press back until the arms are straight and repeat.

Leg Swings

Leg swings build balance and improve lower body flexibility. Do them regularly to improve balance and prevent falls.
How to perform:

Stand on the right leg and extend the left one out in front.

Keep the body upright and then swing the left leg to the left then to the right. Make the swings wider after every swing.

Do at least 20 swings before alternating legs.

Hold on to the wall if you lack balance. But ideally you want to perform this exercise without support.


A strong core will improve your balance and posture. This exercise strengthens the core without putting pressure on the lower back.
How to perform:

Lie flat on your back and keep legs in the air with knees bent. Raise both arms straight upwards.

Extend one leg until it almost touches the floor as you simultaneously lower the opposite arm behind the head until it almost touches the floor.

Return the arm and leg to starting position and repeat.

You can make the exercise less challenging by resting the leg on the floor when you extend it.


You can’t go wrong with walking. It will improve your cardiovascular health and lower your risk of arthritis. Aim to walk at least 500 steps a day or take on the walking challenge.


If you can’t perform the above exercises due to joint pain, then swimming is your best bet. This exercise is gentle on your joints and it also improves heart health, lung capacity, flexibility and builds strong muscles.
This article was originally published on Read the original here.
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