Rachel Ann T. Melegrito
Rachel Ann T. Melegrito
Before pursuing writing, Rachel worked as an occupational therapist, specializing in neurological cases. She also taught university courses in basic sciences and professional occupational therapy. She earned a master's degree in childhood development and education in 2019. Since 2020, Rachel has written extensively on health topics for various publications and brands.


Sodium Nitrite Suicides on the Rise–Poison Centers Are Missing Them

Sodium Nitrite Suicides on the Rise–Poison Centers Are Missing Them

High Doses of ADHD Drugs Linked to Higher Risks of Psychosis and Mania: Harvard Study

High Doses of ADHD Drugs Linked to Higher Risks of Psychosis and Mania: Harvard Study

New Antibiotic Fights Severe Gum Disease

New Antibiotic Fights Severe Gum Disease

Fat-Burning Nerves Get Damaged by Obesity: Animal Study

Fat-Burning Nerves Get Damaged by Obesity: Animal Study