Album Review: Mister Heavenly - ‘Out Of Love’

Mister Heavenly comprise members of established US indie bands.
Album Review: Mister Heavenly - ‘Out Of Love’
Mister Heavenly - Out Of Love (Sub Pop)

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mister Heavenly - Out Of Love (Sub Pop)" title="Mister Heavenly - Out Of Love (Sub Pop)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-65588"/></a>
Mister Heavenly - Out Of Love (Sub Pop)

Apparently ploughing a furrow of their own making in the fledging sub genre of “Doom Wap”, Mister Heavenly comprise members of established US indie bands such as Modest Mouse and Islands. It has to be hoped they haven’t permanently shelved their former projects as this record is unlikely to detain the listening public for too long. The best that can be said is that it has its moments, but for the most part it is an eminently forgettable melange of grunge, rock ‘n’ roll and ’50s R‘n’B. In listening I was transported to a suburban mid-western bar on a midweek night and it wasn’t somewhere I wanted to stay for more than a single drink.

[etRating value=“ 2”]


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