Album Review: Junkboy ‘Koyo’

I have been struck by how many websites refer to Junkboy as a post rock band.
Album Review:  Junkboy ‘Koyo’
Junkboy -`Koyo`

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Junkboy -'Koyo'" title="Junkboy -'Koyo'" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-65303"/></a>
Junkboy -'Koyo'
I have been struck by how many websites refer to Junkboy as a post rock band. It’s obvious on listening to the first couple of songs on this record that this is somewhat wide of the mark. They come across more as beautiful lilting folk and wistful Byrdsian songwriting respectively.

However, the further one journeys into this record the more these experimental elements encroach on the bucolic dream folk; Dr Rendevous being an obvious example. So yes there’s something for Tortoise fans here, but mostly this is just a very sweet record full of gorgeous vocals and woozy instrumentation, perfect for a mid festival cider fug.

[etRating value=“ 4”]

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