Workout of the Week: A Fast Fat-Burner

Workout of the Week: A Fast Fat-Burner
Inner Thigh Side Plank 2nd position. Model: Ashley Whitson. (Edward Dai/Epoch Times)

This workout is designed to get busy people into great shape. It will challenge you without taking too much time to complete. In fact, it should only take 15 to 20 minutes, start to finish.

This workout is broken up into three supersets. A superset is where two exercises are performed back to back without a rest between them. Perform one to three supersets in a row and then rest one to four minutes before moving on to your next superset. Enjoy!

Superset One

Lunge Twist


  1. Hold a dumbbell or weighted ball in front of your chest. 
  2. Step forward into a lunge until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. 
  3. Keeping the weight in front of your chest, rotate at your waist toward your front leg. 
  4. Rotate back to center and return to your starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Use a 5-pound to 25-pound weight.
Perform eight to ten repetitions.

Renegade Rows


  1. Start in a plank position with a dumbbell under each hand. 
  2. As you exhale, draw your navel toward your spine and lift one dumbbell up to your waist.
  3. Keep your torso and hips as still as possible as you lift the weight. 
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Use 5-pound to 15-pound dumbbells.
Perform six to eight repetitions.

Superset Two


Side Lunges

  1. Stand with your feet together. 
  2. Keep your feet parallel to each other as you lunge as far to the right as you can. 
  3. Press your right heel into the floor as you engage your glutes and return back to center.

Use 5-pound to 25-pound dumbbells.
Perform eight to ten repetitions.

Shoulder Presses


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Stand tall, with your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles aligned with each other. 
  3. As you exhale, press the dumbbells up. Keep your shoulders down, your chest lifted, and your hands facing forward.

Use 8-pound to 25-pound dumbbells.
Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

Superset Three

Plank Press


  1. Balance your weight on your forearms and feet. 
  2. Keep a straight line from your head to your toes. 
  3. Drop your chest down toward the floor so your shoulder blades press together. 
  4. Press away from the floor until your upper back (the area between your shoulder blades) is rounded.

Repeat 10 to 12 times.

Inner Thigh Side Plank


  1. Lie on your right side with your right knee and hip bent at 90 degrees.
  2. Keep your left leg straight and balance your weight on the inner part of your left foot. 
  3. Press the inner part of your left foot into the floor and lift your hips off the floor. 
  4. Maintain that position and lift your right leg off the floor until your right leg is parallel to the floor.

Do five to eight repetitions on each side.

Tysan Lerner is a certified health coach and personal trainer. She helps people reach peak health and fitness without starving themselves or spending hours at the gym. Her website is

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