Time Crunch? Go for a 30 Minutes Sweat Instead

Time Crunch? Go for a 30 Minutes Sweat Instead

“But I don’t have enough time in the day to workout.” Have these words ever come out of your mouth? We know it can be a challenge to fit every task and chore into your day, but what are you truly using your time for where exercise could go? 

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to carve out two hours for a workout. Here’s how to get a heart-pumping workout in 30 minutes.

Work Out Harder, Not Longer

Research shows that shorter, high-intensity workouts can do more for your health than longer, more leisurely workouts. You can improve your heart health and significantly reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome and a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, high triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. 


If you really want to fire up your metabolism in just 30 minutes, try a heart-pumping, high intensity interval workout (HIIT). Go with a Tabata-style HIIT workout where you do eight rounds of all-out effort for 20-second intervals and then have 10 seconds of recovery. That’s four minutes. Rest a minute before moving onto a new interval. Do six rounds of Tabata for a total of 30 minutes, and you’re done for the day.

Strength and Cardio Combo

No time to fit in an hour-long boot camp class? No worries. Be your own fitness instructor! Pair 15 minutes of your favorite cardio (biking, running, jump roping, etc.) with 10 minutes of strength training and finish with five minutes of core exercises. We suggest mixing up the exercises each day. Just remember, less time doesn’t give you a free pass to slack. Each minute needs to count. Be quick with rests and intentional with each exercise!

Here’s the good news about short workouts: you know it’s over in 30 minutes! Plus, it’s your exercise for the day, so you can bring your A-game and give it your all!

Source: lifefitness.com/blog. Visit the Life Fitness blog for more health and fitness information.

*Image of “man“ via Shutterstock
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