The Power of Scent

The Power of Scent

This article was originally published on read the complete  here

There is a lot to be said for the healing power of flowers; not only do they activate feel good endorphins around our bodies but they also can lift us in other ways we may never have thought about.

Did you know flowers can help us with our work out as well as our down time? We can burn them, drop them into our soft furnishings and skin, spray them, and infuse them.

Scent is a powerful healer and there is any number of holistic treatments out there to lift a dark mood, relieve anxiety and heal tension in the body.

For years scent has been viewed as a great healer and this is nothing to be shunned. It’s evident that we change our scents to suit our moods or life changing events—a death, a break up, divorce or life event. Scent is something that we think we choose–that is where we are wrong.

We subliminally choose these scents to remind us of occasions and to fend of bad memories. We choose to brighten our homes with powerful scents that remind us of a time gone by that trigger a good feeling within us.

Flowers to energize

There are a number of scents that can assist your work out, depending on what you are choosing to do.

  • For cardio there are a number of scents to help you feel energized.
  • Citrus scents are very good at waking up the body and mind and can be used for strength training.
  • Peppermint is a great refresher and reviver when feeling as though we can’t quite get that last squat.

Flowers to relax

Don’t worry, there are a number of flowers that can do everything from helping to ease away the stress of a long day in the office to guiding you to drift off to a soothing night’s sleep.

Lavender has long been associated with calm and relaxation and many swear by it for restful sleep. Another way to relax is just by bringing a mood altering fragrance into the home. A scent that makes us feel happy for whatever reason is more than enough to put us in a more tranquil frame of mind which will ultimately make your mind and body respond to relaxation.

This article was originally published on read the complete article here

Image of girl smelling red tulips via Shutterstock

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