Summer Tools for Mom’s Back Pocket

Summer Tools for Mom’s Back Pocket
Having a go bag prepacked with all of the essentials makes day trips easier. (PeopleImages/Getty Images)
Barbara Danza

Summertime can be a tricky season for moms. Our expectations can sometimes get the better of us. When we think of summer, there’s the promise of sunny, care-free days filled with outdoor fun and happy family moments. There’s the vision of lounging in the sunshine, reading those books we’ve been trying to find time for, and sipping a delicious iced coffee, without a care in the world.

Reality, however, can sometimes look like complaining kiddos, endless messes, and crankiness brought on by erratic sleep schedules.

With a little preparation, this summer can look a little bit more like the former and a little bit less like the latter. Here are 10 tools to keep in Mom’s back pocket this summer.

Movie List

When bedtime can be a bit more flexible, family movie nights can be a great joy. Pop the popcorn, pull out the cozy blankets, and enjoy family-friendly entertainment together.
The key to a successful family movie night is having the movie chosen in advance. The last thing you want to do is pick up the remote and start the night by scrolling through every streaming service you have for something everyone can agree on. Think it through in advance, and when the time comes, enjoy the show.

Music Playlist

Set the mood for your home this summer by creating a few music playlists that everyone can enjoy. Some moments may call for energizing music, while others would benefit from very calming choices. Score your summer with an enjoyable background that inspires and delights.

Book Stack

Encourage reading all summer long by keeping a giant stack of books to choose from. Take the time to find the best-quality books you can for yourself and your kids to enjoy this summer. Perhaps you’ll share in an audiobook or two (ideal for road trips) and some read-aloud, leaving plenty of options for the independent readers to enjoy on their own.

Prize System

You can gamify summer activities with a fun and light-hearted prize system. Perhaps you want to encourage responsibility around the house, increased reading, or specific habits that you hope to help your children foster. Offering summertime prizes (a trip to the ice cream parlor, a new summer toy, a new book, a backyard campout) to celebrate accomplishments can add another layer of fun to the season.

Calendar Countdown

You may have a special trip planned or some other fun event that the entire family is looking forward to. Create a visual way to count down to the big day. Whether you’re simply crossing off days on a calendar, removing rings from a paper chain, or using some other creative display of anticipation, a shared countdown keeps everyone aimed at something joyful and lifts the spirits as summer presses on.

Craft Supplies

You’re bound to encounter the dreaded phrase of summer: “I’m bored.” Rather than lament its utterance, celebrate. Tell your kiddos you think that boredom is great because it forces them to get creative and think of new things to do. Some eyes may roll, sure, but boredom truly is a wonderful and necessary state for kids to enjoy, and it can often lead to magical moments (as long as they don’t head for screens in those circumstances). Having crafting supplies or tools on hand for them to engage in activities that they truly enjoy is a great way to foster creativity and point them in the right direction when boredom strikes.

Snack Station

My completely unscientific research has shown that children’s snack requests increase at least tenfold in the summertime. Prepare in advance, and stock up on healthy snacks that even little kids can retrieve themselves. Fruit, cut veggies, jerky sticks, cheese sticks, low-sugar yogurt, and nuts are great options along with lots and lots of water.

Go Bag

This glorious season affords days at the park, beach trips, hikes, visits to local museums, and all manner of outings. Prepare a bag with the essentials that you’ll need when it’s time to head out with the crew for the day. Make a practice of keeping it stocked all summer long so that you can grab it and go whenever necessary. No need to reinvent the wheel every time you head out.

Travel Games

If you’re traveling this summer, it’s always a good idea to have a few games on hand to enjoy along the journey. Reach for simple classics such as tic-tac-toe or the license plate game, and keep drawing tools and notebooks or journals available to enhance the time en route without relying on screens.

Habit Tracker

As kids get older, teaching them to maintain good habits in their lives is essential, and a habit tracker can be a fun way to help them along. Find one online and print it out, or create one yourself, and write in simple daily habits that they can work on and track all summer. For example, a child’s habit tracker might include tasks such as making the bed, brushing teeth, or doing 10 jumping jacks. Make each habit small enough to be easy to accomplish each day and valuable enough to establish a positive trajectory.
Barbara Danza is a mom of two, an MBA, a beach lover, and a kid at heart. Here, diving into the challenges and opportunities of parenting in the modern age. Particularly interested in the many educational options available to families today, the renewed appreciation of simplicity in kids’ lives, the benefits of family travel, and the importance of family life in today’s society.
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