Shaving 101

Shaving 101
Let shaving cream sit for 2-3 minutes before shaving. (Jacob Lund/Shutterstock)
Want a smoother, more comfortable shave? Who doesn’t? Day after day, we lather up, shave, splash clean, and then we are inevitably confronted with razor burn and bumps. If this sounds familiar, try out the following dermatologist-recommended grooming tips to get the best shave of your life.

Step 1: Hydrate First

Hydrating your skin first will help minimize nicks, cuts, and irritation. Use a face wash to remove oil, dirt and dead skin, then shave immediately after showering so the razor will glide easily. This simple step will help prepare your skin for a comfortable shave.

Step 2: Wait It Out

We all know to apply foaming shaving cream, but did you know that you should let it sit for 2-3 minutes before shaving? If you have thicker facial hair, letting the cream sit will allow it to better penetrate the hairs and soften them. Brush your teeth or comb your hair while you wait.

Step 3: Go With The Grain

Once the shaving cream has sunk in, start shaving – but only in the direction your hair grows. This will help prevent razor bumps and burns. Shave gently, allowing the razor do the work. Pressing too hard is a direct cause of razor burn.

Step 4: Switch It Up

Keep track of your blade, and change it out every five to seven shaves. An older blade is not only duller but is also prone to rust and bacteria. A new blade will minimize irritation.

Step 5: The Cool Down

After shaving, immediately rinse your face with cold water to reduce inflammation. Next, apply a moisturizer or aftershave, which will close your pores and trap water in your skin.

Step 6: Smart Storage

Once you clean your blade, make sure your razor is completely dry so bacteria won’t have a chance to grow. Store your razor in a dry place (ideally your bathroom cabinet), not in the shower or near a wet sink, to extend the lifespan and quality of your blade.
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