How the Pandemic Might Be Affecting Your Vascular Health

How the Pandemic Might Be Affecting Your Vascular Health
With little to do and nowhere to go, it makes sense that more and more people are spending time in their house.(Nattakorn_Maneerat/Shutterstock)

You’d be hard-pressed to find anybody who has gone unaffected by the pandemic. Even if you think you’re doing alright, you’re probably wrong.

For example, have you been as active as you were before the lockdowns? And even if you’ve boosted your activity to exercise for 45 minutes per day, what are you doing the rest of the time?

Most people are sitting more than they ever have. With little to do and nowhere to go, it makes sense that more and more people are spending time in their house on the sofa.

That’s not great for your veins.

The pressure and lack of blood flow your veins experience while sitting for extended periods can put them at risk. For starters, the veins at the back of your legs are compressed between your body and the chair.

Next, it’s harder for the blood in your lower body to flow back up to your heart when you’re sitting. This could mean your heart has to work harder, but it can also result in poor circulation.

Sitting for extended periods is also a risk factor for varicose veins, which are swollen, twisted veins just beneath the skin. Sometimes, they look purple. These veins are caused by damaged vein walls and valves and can boost blood pressure.

There are a number of ways you can keep your veins healthy during the pandemic. One of the best is to take breaks from sitting. Get up for a short walk for every hour or so of sitting.

Staying well-hydrated is another step you can take to help blood flow. Having enough fluids in your system helps dilute the blood, so it flows easier through your veins.

It’s easy to forget about the little things in the pandemic and the various ways it can influence your health. Take a proactive approach to help offset these risks that are easily overlooked.

Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness journalist. This article was first published on Bel Marra Health.
Starting as a journalist over 10 years ago, Mat has not only honed his belief system and approach with practical experience, but he has also worked closely with nutritionists, dieticians, athletes, and fitness professionals. He embraces natural healing methods and believes that diet, exercise and willpower are the foundation of a healthy, happy, and drug-free existence.
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