How Often People in Various Countries Shower


Reddit user recently polled 562 people and found that most men said they showered daily. Women’s bathing rituals were more diffuse, but about 60 percent preferred to shower three, four, or five times weekly.

A Euromonitor poll from July found that Americans are fairly average when it comes to hygiene. Among the 16 regions surveyed, Americans attested to showering more frequently than the Chinese, Brits, and Japanese, where respondents said they take about five showers per week, but not nearly as often as people in Brazil and Colombia, where people seemingly sometimes take more than one shower per day.

Average Showers and Shampoos by Country

Perhaps the warm climates play a role... (<a href="" target="_blank">Euromonitor</a>)
Perhaps the warm climates play a role... (Euromonitor)

Perhaps the warm climates play a role—though that wouldn’t explain the habits of balmy, relatively-infrequently-bathing Turkey and Spain. It’s interesting, too, that in most countries people don’t shampoo every time they shower. Mexicans and Japanese people come closest to fully sanitizing their hair each time.

In general, the world’s women shower more than men. The exception, according to a 2008 study by hygiene-products company SCA, is Sweden (and now UK?), the only country surveyed where men were more likely to shower every day than women were:

In general, the world's women shower more than men, but in this survey Sweden is the exception...(<a href="" target="_blank">SCA</a>)
In general, the world's women shower more than men, but in this survey Sweden is the exception...(SCA)


In other domains of grooming, gender equality is nowhere to be found...

The SCA study found that among all countries, 84 percent of both men and women said "the ideal woman" shaves her legs. (SCA)
The SCA study found that among all countries, 84 percent of both men and women said "the ideal woman" shaves her legs. (SCA)

This article was originally published on www.theatlantic.som. Read the complete article here.

*Image of “woman“ via Shutterstock

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