Get the Jump on Your Health with These Up and Coming Superfoods

Get the Jump on Your Health with These Up and Coming Superfoods
Hemp seeds have all nine essential amino acids, giving you a nutrition boost that can help your immune system. (Teri Virbickis/Shutterstock)

Every year, the list of superfoods keeps growing, and while kale, goji berries, and quinoa have enjoyed some attention, the spotlight has shifted. 2020 will bring attention to other nutrient-dense, healthful foods for you to try.

Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds are one of the few plant-based products featuring all nine essential amino acids, which means they may help with immune function. They have twice the protein of other popular seeds and are a rich source of omegas to keep you satiated. They can be sprinkled atop salads, oatmeal, or included in a smoothie.
Reishi Mushrooms: These mushrooms have been growing in popularity and are set to reach superfood status for their potential effects on anxiety, depression, and relaxation. Reishi powder can be added to tea, coffee, smoothies, or mushroom soup.
Lemon Balm: Never heard of lemon balm? You’re not alone. But this sweet-scented herb could blast onto the scene in the coming months. It may aid digestion by calming nerves in the gastrointestinal tract and liver, perhaps relieving bloating and gas. It can be purchased as a tincture or herbal tea.
Sea Vegetables: Two sea vegetables getting attention this year are Irish sea moss and bladderwrack. Irish sea moss is very high in potassium chloride, which may help relieve edema and promote healthy blood pressure. Bladderwrack might be useful for improving digestion, immunity, energy, and reducing inflammation.

You don’t have to wait until 2020 to add these foods to your shopping list. They are available now and can fit in as a nice compliment to the superfoods you’re already eating.

Devon Andre holds a bachelor’s of forensic science from the University of Windsor in Canada and a Juris Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh. This article was first published on Bel Marra Health.
Devon Andre holds a bachelor's in forensic science from the University of Windsor in Canada and a Juris Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. Andre is a journalist for Bel Marra Health, which first published this article. This article was originally published on Check out their Facebook page:
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