Foods to Cure a Sweet Tooth

Foods to Cure a Sweet Tooth

Everyone gets a sweet tooth every now and then. It happens. But how you handle the cravings is the true test. It is so easy to adhere to a good diet all day and then, while just relaxing at home, to binge on something entirely regrettable.

So what guilt-free foods will cure your cravings when all you think you want is junk? Here are some healthy options:

Fruit. Packed with nutrients, fruit is also full of sugar, so it satiates your cravings for candy.

Yogurt. Craving ice cream? Yogurt will satisfy the craving with much fewer calories while providing some stomach-settling probiotics.

Dark Chocolate. We know that sometimes you just need chocolate. Go for really dark chocolate. It has more antioxidants, and the richness will satisfy you sooner.

Popsicles. Warm outside? A fruit popsicle should do the trick. You get bonus points if you make your own.

Nuts. Full of healthy fat and a little salt, they are like French fries without the guilt.

Smoothies. The choices are endless when it comes to making a smoothie. Add a little protein powder to give some extra sustenance and keep you full.

Edamame. These soybean treats have the crunch and the sustenance. Just go easy on the salt.

Are you on the go and don’t have a grocery store or a kitchen at your disposal? Wherever you eat or pick up a snack, keep the following tips in mind.

Whole Grains. Most places now offer whole wheat bread and pasta. It will keep you full longer.

Low Fat. Substitute low- or non-fat products. Your waistline will thank you for it.

Hydration. Drinking plenty of water will keep your body running smoothly, and a cup of water will curb acute hunger.

Portions. You don’t have to finish everything in front of you. Watching your serving sizes will save you plenty of calories.

Eco18 is a collective of creative-writing individuals from different backgrounds with a common goal—to live a healthier, more natural lifestyle. Their combined expertise, humor, and opinions explore green and sustainable in a practical, fun way.