5 Ways to Love Your Quinoa

5 Ways to Love Your Quinoa

The ancient grain is back in a big way, and with good reason. Gluten-free quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is quick and easy to cook and its nutritional value is unsurpassed. A rich source of protein, quinoa contains all the amino acids and has high amounts of calcium and iron, as well as fiber.

Read more about vegan sources of protein

Tired of eating it plain? You never have to again! Try one of these tasty quinoa meal ideas:

1. Sprinkle 1 cup of cooked quinoa over a green salad to add crunch, flavor, and some protein.

2. Substitute quinoa for rice as a side dish to any protein. If it suits the meal, top it with a tablespoon of hummus.

3. Make a quinoa pilaf. Once the quinoa is cooked, add some diced vegetables (peppers, onions, tomatoes, olives, celery and garlic work well) and some black beans.

4. Have it for breakfast as a hot cereal. Over your bowl of cooked quinoa, add diced apples, sliced almonds and raisins and sprinkle with cinnamon, or some fresh berries drizzled with honey or maple syrup.    

Read more about the health benefits of cinnamon

5. Quinoa patties! Mash together a cup of cooked quinoa with a cup of mashed sweet potatoes and ¼ cup of cranberries or goji berries. Heat some olive oil or coconut oil in a frying pan. Form the quinoa-potato mash into 2 inch balls, flatten, and cook on both sides until golden brown

This article was originally published on www.NaturallySavvy.com

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