Woman With Ankle-Length Hair Dubbed the ‘Real-Life Rapunzel,’ Claims Peanut Butter Is Secret to Her Mane

Woman With Ankle-Length Hair Dubbed the ‘Real-Life Rapunzel,’ Claims Peanut Butter Is Secret to Her Mane
Caters News

A mom in Fishers, Indiana, has been called the “real-life Rapunzel” thanks to her long and luscious locks that measure 5 feet, 6 inches in length.

She spends around 15 minutes a day applying a hair mask and washes the magnificent mane twice a week to keep it strong and healthy. Yet, the secret that keeps the hair truly healthy, she insists, is eating a spoonful of peanut butter every day.

Andrea Stano (Caters News)
Andrea Stano Caters News

Andrea Stano, who grew up in Micronesia, has never been to a hairdresser for a formal haircut. Instead, she trims the ends of her long locks occasionally, while letting her strawberry-blonde mane grow all the way down to her ankles. And the trims and hair masks she uses are only part of what makes her hair look so long, smooth, and shiny, she says.

“I eat peanut butter every day,” she said. “I truly believe this step keeps my hair healthy, and helps it to grow faster and thicker.”

Andrea Stano (Caters News)
Andrea Stano Caters News
Andrea Stano (Caters News)
Andrea Stano Caters News

Stano turns heads with her fantastic head of hair, which is often braided into fancy styles not unlike the iconic fairy tale princess Rapunzel.

“I grew up in Hawaii and in Micronesia where most women and girls have long hair but I have always loved keeping my hair long and healthy,” she said.

“People are very kind and complimentary about my hair,“ she adds. ”They admire how I have it braided and when they ask how long it is they are always shocked to hear it is ankle length.”

Andrea Stano (Caters News)
Andrea Stano Caters News
She revealed to Caters News that Rapunzel has definitely served as inspiration for her hair and the styles she tries out, which she insists are part of the fun of having hair like she does.

“The possibilities are endless with long hair and each day I think of how I will fix my hair today,” she said. “I love to try out new braids and hairstyles and have posted pictures of hundreds of hairstyles on my blog.”

Stano now lives in the United States with her husband, Justin, and their baby daughter, Katie. Even now, though, you can see her in pictures with her gorgeous hair still woven up in intricate braids—hardly a surprise, since Stano has explained how much joy the hair fun is for her. She told Caters that she loves to think up new hairstyles, and that she’s gotten the opportunity to meet new people around the world thanks to the blog she keeps to update people on the styles she’s tried out.

Andrea Stano and her husband, Justin (Caters News)
Andrea Stano and her husband, Justin Caters News

“Long hair has given me opportunities to meet new friends around the world,” she said. “I have many good friends now who I first met through our mutual interest in long hair, and soon we became friends for other reasons.

“Some of my hair friends follow my missionary work in the islands, and sometimes they even send gifts for the children I work with. Long hair can bring us together even though we are far apart.”

Andrea Stano (Caters News)
Andrea Stano Caters News

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