‘We were in tears,’ Says Film Director at Shen Yun

Apr 30, 2017
‘We were in tears,’ Says Film Director at Shen Yun

“We loved it. We have a story to tell you, because we have a professor from Ukraine visiting the United States, specifically to see the show ... at the finale of the show, we got goosebumps.” 

“[Traditional Chinese culture] is a very artistic culture, and we absolutely loved the attention to detail and the kindness and the gentleness of the human spirit in the dancers. Very touching.”

“The costumes are beautiful, and the soprano singer was absolutely amazing. We were in tears ... [tears of] joy, emotion, and it was also interesting how there were subtitles on the screen ... [but] I was feeling her heart. We connected even we don’t understand Chinese. We could feel what she was trying to say.”

“We could definitely resonate with it, with the lyrics, and it just kind of brought us back to the spirituality here.” 

“It was wonderful, coming from the culture of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, having a lot of fellow filmmakers and friends who are either performing or orchestrating film, because we score films as well. We have our own composers and staff. This was definitely state of the art. It was wonderful, and the instrument with two strings (erhu), that was very touching. It was new to me, because of course, I heard it before, the sound of fit, but to hear it live was very touching and very unique.”

“[I want] to be more spiritual, to remind myself that there is that place at the top of the mountain where we can meditate and make a difference.” 

“(To Shen Yun) Continue doing this, and come to Russia, Ukraine. Thank you.” 

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