Valentine’s Day 2014 Quotes: Unique Perspectives on Love

21 quotes to capture the beauty, imperfections, seriousness, and mirth of love.
Valentine’s Day 2014 Quotes: Unique Perspectives on Love
Tara MacIsaac

1. “Love consists in leaving the loved one space to be themselves while providing the security within which that self may flourish.”

— Tony Judt



3. “Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.”

— Robert Sexton


4. “Love cannot survive if you just give it scraps of yourself, scraps of your time, scraps of your thoughts.”

— Mary O’Hara



6. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her. 

— Agatha Christie

 7. “If you succeed at loving imperfect people, then it becomes plausible that somebody could love imperfect you.”

— Bishop T.D. Jakes



9. “How can you love without vulnerability?”

— Brené Brown


10. “The possibility for rich relationships exists all around you—you simply have to open your eyes, open your mouth and most importantly, open your heart.”

— Cheryl Richardson




12. “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything.”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald

13. “Real love moves freely in both directions. Don’t waste your time on anything else.”

— Cheryl Strayed




15. “Love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage.”

— Ambrose Biercetakes


16. “Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet.”

— Tom Robbins



18. “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.”

— Haruki Murakami


19. “Love is more easily demonstrated than defined.”

— Unknown


21. “How do you spell ‘love’?” - Piglet

“You don’t spell feel it.” - Pooh

— A.A. Milne, “Winnie The Pooh”


 *Images of couple holding hands, a couple sitting together, a couple playing music, a couple sitting back-to-back, a heart in the sand, a couple kissing, and a heart-shaped stone via Shutterstock


Tara MacIsaac is a senior reporter with the Canadian edition of The Epoch Times.