Stray Puppy With Swollen Head Infection Hides Alone in Alleyway on Dirty Blanket, Until Rescuers Arrive

Stray Puppy With Swollen Head Infection Hides Alone in Alleyway on Dirty Blanket, Until Rescuers Arrive
YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

Concerned locals called for help after finding a stray puppy with a face from infection sleeping alone in an alleyway in Udaipur in northern India. Help came in the nick of time; a group of volunteers, answering the call, rallied to transform the suffering pup from rejected to recovered.

After just a few days of love, care, and medical attention, the rescue team had a surprise in store for the puppy’s mother.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India
In footage shared by Rajasthan-based animal rescue charity Animal Aid on YouTube on March 21, 2020, rescuers are directed to an alleyway in the city of Udaipur after concerned neighbors notice a subdued puppy with a swollen head sitting alone on a dirty blanket.

Despite being covered in blood and in obvious pain, the little puppy’s tail begins to wag enthusiastically as soon as rescuers approach him. One member of the team scoops the little pup into his arms, and the group journeys back to Animal Aid’s headquarters in Badi Village, a few kilometers outside central Udaipur.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

A veterinary assessment of the puppy, named “Timmy” by his rescuers, revealed that the swelling originated from one small head wound.

“Fluid had collected in the tissue around his cheeks and jaws, giving this sweet boy a big balloon face from an infected wound on his forehead,” Animal Aid staffers later posted beneath their rescue footage.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

“His blood-encrusted face was in so much pain that even enduring the wound cleaning was hard for him,” they added, “but he was brave and so strong.” The Animal Aid medical team cleaned Timmy’s wound and administered antibiotics to clear the infection.

By the very next day, the puppy’s swollen head was already starting to deflate as the infection subsided. Timmy ate food and enjoyed cuddles, care, and play time with the shelter’s many support staff.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

Two days later, Timmy was on the road to a full recovery.

In touching footage, Timmy plays voraciously, his wagging tail almost knocking him off balance. Within five days of being taken in by Animal Aid as a forlorn, forgotten puppy in a lonely alleyway, Timmy was well enough to be returned to his mother and siblings.

Describing little Timmy as “cheerful, bouncing, and already beloved by everyone,” the rescue team bid farewell to their amazing patient; Timmy’s mother, tail wagging, welcomed her healed pup back into the family pack immediately.

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Numerous netizens, touched by the rescue story, left supportive comments on YouTube. “Animal Aid’s presence in the city/town has made a difference [because] the locals seem to be caring enough to call AA for help,” wrote one supporter. “Just how beautiful is that! Compassionate, caring and helpful humans. Thank you dearest Animal Aid.”

“I’m so moved by these heartwarming recoveries,” wrote another, “it just bring joy into my day to see these little lovelies live and thrive beyond their devastating illnesses and injuries. God bless these animals and the angels’ hands that make this all possible! This is the true beauty in this world!”

©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

Animal Aid Unlimited was founded in 2002 by Jim, Erica, and Claire Abrams-Myers, a vegan, animal-loving family hailing from the United States. The organization saves lives and improves animal welfare throughout Rajasthan in northern India through street animal rescues, spay and neuter campaigns, anti-rabies inoculation, and outreach education programs.

The charity’s mission is “dedicated to the day when all living beings are treated with compassion and love.”
©YouTube Screenshot | <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>
©YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India

Timmy’s story of rescue and recovery highlights the plight of India’s increasing stray dog population, but it also testifies to the triumph of human kindness over adversity and what communities can achieve where there is a will to do so.

You can watch Timmy’s complete journey from rescue to recovery in the video below:
Video courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited (Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter)