Shen Yun Extols Value of a Thoughtful Life

Mar 26, 2017
Shen Yun Extols Value of a Thoughtful Life

“I was really excited … it was such a total experience – the costumes, the music, the colour, the film, and the way the characters move on the screen and then came out onto the stage. I’ve never seen that technique before and I thought that was really amazing. That was a fabulous way to tell the story.”


“I like the references to Laozi and the economy of his teaching, just how a few phrases depict a whole essence of life. I found that very inspiring.”


“The song that the tenor sang, which was called Purpose, explained a lot about the value of a well-crafted life and a thoughtful life, so that you don’t go into the next life empty-handed.”


“[The dancers were] very graceful. I thought the dancers with the movement of the fans, the yellow flowers, were particularly beautiful, [and] the rolling of the parasols, the umbrellas -- I liked those scenes the most.”

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