Psychology Test: The Path You Choose Can Reveal Your True Personality

Psychology Test: The Path You Choose Can Reveal Your True Personality
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
While every landscape has something to offer the soul, we often find ourselves drawn to different kinds of places and paths through the world. One of the most famous poems in American literature, Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,“ describes the dilemma in detail. ”Two roads diverged in a yellow wood / And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler, long I stood.”
Ultimately, the poet takes “the path less traveled.” However, imagine that you have to choose between four different paths. Whichever you choose, it will reveal a lot about your personality.

1. Summer Forest

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Lucie Hošová</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Lucie Hošová
If this looks like the best path for you, then the adjectives that describe you are relaxed, joyful, and sensitive. The choice of this path shows how you enjoy a certain amount of comfort and serenity. The sun is shining and the forest is open, light, and airy, showing how you appreciate a happy environment and the company of others.

While others enjoy your presence, you can be very sensitive and not always feel as loved and appreciated as you actually are. The key to success is loving yourself first of all and being confident with who you are rather than thinking about who you should be. The image says everything, so just let go and enjoy the beauty of the world around you.

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Jim Jacob</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Jim Jacob

2. Autumn Leaves

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Aaron Burden</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Aaron Burden
If you are drawn to the world of changing colors, falling leaves, and cool, crisp air, then the words that best illustrate who you are deep inside are strong, independent, and content. In a world that is changing, you are confident in your ability to find your own unique way of doing things. This will bring success in your professional life as others recognize your special vision and leadership.

However, these same traits can make it hard to find others in your personal life who can share the path with you. While you might attract many people who admire your trailblazing spirit, getting close can be harder as your personality type can be intimidating. But the contentment that results from making your own choices is something others will definitely appreciate and will draw them toward you.

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Ben Blennerhassett</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Ben Blennerhassett

3. Peaceful Winter

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Austin Fathman</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Austin Fathman
If the chill of winter doesn’t put you off but instead the thought of a peaceful, dreamlike snowscape inspires you, than your personality traits are imaginative, creative, and solitary. People who love this landscape are able to imagine all the life that is waiting just under the surface, ready to burst once spring comes. However, rather than the noisy, expressive, external side of things, you feel most comfortable in the fantastic world of artistic creation.

Working alone is best for you, as you can pursue things that you are really passionate about. Artistic people may have an intensely personal vision, but they also need support and validation from those around them as they find their way. One of the drawbacks is that the quest for making dreams become reality often buts up against the limitations of the world. Avoiding perfectionism and accepting works in progress is important for you.

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Toa Heftiba</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

4. Bamboo Groves

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">Natalia García</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | Natalia García
For those who find their way through the towering, creaking, and elegant bamboo forest, your central personality traits are intuitive, adventurous, and kind. Just as bamboo is a dynamic plant that sways and moves with the wind, with incredible potential for growth and hidden strength, so too your personality can embrace the flux of life. Travel is important for you as a person to discover yourself as well as the world.

The ability to see what’s going on around you helps you to be a valued friend to all those in need of your compassion and insight. However, this doesn’t always translate to work, where the loudest voice is sometimes the one that carries the day. Remember to speak up and share your perspective. You have a lot to say.

Illustration - Unsplash | <a href="">monika karaivanova</a>
Illustration - Unsplash | monika karaivanova
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