Professional Singer: Shen Yun’s ‘Music is Beautiful’

Feb 21, 2017
Professional Singer: Shen Yun’s ‘Music is Beautiful’

“The choreography was amazing, the story, the narration, giving a little bit background to the show itself but also of the show. It was great.”

“I think the music is beautiful. The blending of the Western orchestra with the Chinese instruments, I thought—it mashed very well. It sounds so natural, and it was inspirational.”

“I thought they [the solo singers] are very talented. They were really wonderful.”

“I think that it was just very inspirational as far as it was very young people connecting with the culture that was very, very old and bring it to life that, it’s a shame they don’t get to do it in China itself because it’s [a] really beautiful reflection of the culture that we don’t want to lose.”

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