More Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich Ideas

Part 1 of Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich Ideas included the Gordon Blue, the Italian, and the Breakfast Pizza, as well as various meat, egg, and cheese open-faced sandwich recipes.
More Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich Ideas
Eggs in a Blanket cooking in a pan. (Andrew Darin/Epoch Times)

Part 1 of Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich Ideas included the Gordon Blue, the Italian, and the Breakfast Pizza, as well as various meat, egg, and cheese open-faced sandwich recipes. This time I'll focus on preparing Eggs in a Blanket as well as offer a couple of other tasty ideas.

Eggs in a Blanket

Melt some butter in a pan or skillet on medium or low-medium heat, about 7 ml (1/2 tbsp) for each sandwich you plan on making. Take a slice of your favourite bread and, using a cookie cutter or small kitchen knife, cut an egg-sized hole in the centre of the bread.

Place the bread in the pan and crack an egg directly into the hole. Leave the egg intact if you like the yolk runny. Use a knife or spatula to break the yolk if you prefer it fully cooked.

To prevent cross-contamination from the raw egg, avoid using the same utensil when handling the raw egg or breaking the yolk as when the sandwich is fully cooked.

Cook for about two to three minutes on each side or until the egg is done to the desired consistency. Remove from heat.

The Florentine

Start with the basic recipe for Eggs in a Blanket, then add cooked spinach and melted mozzarella or fontinella cheese to the hole in the bread.

The Benedict

To the hole in the bread add Canadian bacon or pancetta, a slice of cooked tomato, cooked spinach, and hollandaise sauce. Traditionally in Eggs Benedict, the egg is poached, so in this recipe it’s recommended to not break the yolk.

The Grecian

Add cooked spinach and feta cheese

The Black and Blue

Add peppercorn bacon and melted blue cheese.

You might be wondering what to do with those leftover pieces you cut out of the centre of the bread. There are several ways to use them, such as making them into breadcrumbs or croutons, toasting them or making them into mini sandwiches, or simply feeding them to the birds.